Törmäsin vahingossa tämmöiseen:

You know you`re well and truly hooked, when every weekend in summer is booked,

When even your annual holiday vacation, has become another agility vocation.

You know when you`ve gone round the bend, when you get every schedule for which you can send,

when you`ve spent every last penny and poud, on your not so good, but loveable houd.

You know when you`ve gone totally cuckoo, when the accommodation`s a tent with an outside loo,

when your feet are wet and your hands are cold, and your dog still will not do what it`s told. 

You know when you`re out of your head, when at five in the morning you are out of your bed,

when the odds of winning are 500 to 1, but you still carry on doing it "just for fun"

You know it`s finally taken over your life, when you`ve covered the distance from London to Fife,

when nothing will make you miss your agility session, and you`ve booked up every type of course and lession.

You know whhen it has affected your brain, when you`re standing in a pouring rain,

when you`re heart is beating and you`re gasping for air, and you`re covered in mud, and you still don`care

You know you are certifiably insane, when you study a course again and again,

when you are willing to travel mile after mile, for one small rosette that still makes you smile!

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Ja tänä viikonloppunahan iso joukko koukkuunjääneitä suuntaa Teivoon, agirotu-viikonloppu. Vihdoinkin pääsee näkemään minkälainen tämä niin kehuttu tapahtuma oikeastaan on!!! Mehän tosin saavutaan paikalle vasta sunnuntaina, mutta kotoonta lähdetään jo tänään, leiriydytään Lopelle. Toivottavasti säät suosivat, luvassa ulkohommia!